Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Will my water service be interrupted? There will more than likely be times, when contractor crews need to make water connections, that some residences will be without water for a short period of time (usually no longer than 4-6 hours). Residents will be notified via door hanger 24-48 hours in advance of any planned disruption to your water service. The door hanger will be placed on your front door, or gate if you have a closed/locked gate in front of your residence.
During construction will I be able to get to my residence? Access will be provided as much as possible; however, there may be times when the contractor is working directly in front of your driveway and will need to restrict access. If it becomes necessary to enter or leave your residence, please alert the workers and allow extra time to plate the area to provide you access.
Will my trash, deliveries, mail or other residential services be impacted? We do our best to maintain residential services and coordinate our work so that residential services are not interrupted. However, if you experience issues, please contact our project hotline.
We hope these FAQs have been helpful . . . if you think we need to provide additional FAQs, please let us know!