Construction Info
Pipeline work within Carefree to support the Water Consolidation Project is complete. The few remaining portions of work that support these pipeline improvements are as follows:
Water Reservoir: Contractor crews continue to put the finishing touches on the underground water storage reservoir located on the east side of Tom Darlington Drive. Work within the walled utility area is expected to be complete by the end of October 2023, with reservoir commissioning planned for the month of November.
Neighborhood A Commercial Transitions: The commercial properties at the northwest corner of Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road (Lowe’s, StorQuest, and the old CVS building) will be transitioned after the commissioning of the new Water Storage Reservoir. These transitions are expected to occur in November.
Peaceful Place Booster Pump Station Improvements: The re-design of Peaceful Place Booster Pump Station (PP BPS) will include high flow pumps that can be used for emergencies, such as fire events, within the PP BPS service area. The Carefree Town Council/Water Board of Directors recently approved funding for these improvements which are currently under design. Construction of the improvements is expected to be completed in the first or second quarter of 2024 and will result in the transitioning of last customers within the western portion of Neighborhood B.